Ruby Prize Award 2013 final nominees
Official Site Open ! (Nov 18 , 2013)
Ruby Prize 2013 Award Final nominees
The Ruby Prize Committee is happy to announce that 2013 Ruby Prize Award final nominees.
We will pick up the Ruby Prize 2013 winner from these people at the RubyWorld Conference 2013.
Schedule 17:20~18:20,November 21 (thu) ,2013
Venue International Conference Hall (3F),Shimane Prefectual Convention Center “Kunibiki Messe”
Final nominees
Tomoyuki Chikanaga
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Zachary Scott
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Hiroshi Shibata
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We really admire his work that he has been checking the Ruby trunk changes every single day.
Ruby core developers tend to go nuts only writing code and leave it unattended.
We evaluate his work that keeps unattended code on track.
Since obtaining office as a committer last year, he has improved Ruby a lot, especially documentation and continuing activities, such as evaluation and incorporation of suggestions for improvement from outside.
The role he has played for Ruby development activities to be truly international is great.
We honor and compliment his work which serves as a model of non-Japanese committers.
Thanks to his help and have completed the transition to the new server and software update.
We believe his work contributes to revitalize
Updated(Nov.21st, 2014)
Ruby Prize winner Tomoyuki Chikanaga and finale nominees are celebrated at the RubyWorld conference.