The Ruby Prize Award 2014 now accepting nominations
It has been decided to hold the Ruby Prize2014, to
recognize the efforts of New members to the Ruby community.
This “Ruby Prize” will hold meetings by the executive committee
comprised of three parties, which is Ruby Association,
Nihon Ruby no Kai and Matsue city.
Ruby Prize Award Winner and nominees will receive an
award at the RubyWorld Conference 2014, to be held in Matsue, Shimane
Prefecture November 13th & 14th
It should be noted the winner of the Ruby Prize will also be awarded
sub-prize money of 1million yen!
See last year’s Ruby Prize 2013
Ruby Prize 2014 Prospectus
Ruby is an Open Source Software used throughout the world.
The community made up of developers, users, and those sharing it worldwide
are indispensable to Ruby’s presence. The community of common minded people
that have gathered behind the growth of this open source software are an essential
element to Ruby.
However, the term community here doesn’t simply refer to any specific organisation
or association. It includes more abstract and obscure gatherings, where people
who share an interest in and enthusiasm for Ruby come together.
In effect, our community is not a single tangible entity. Rather, it is groups of
individuals who have come together to form groups with different backgrounds and
Emphasising the individual is essential to strengthening, and creating a more reliable
and solid community that supports our open source software. The Ruby Prize,
a Newcomer Award for members of the Ruby Community has been established as of last year.
The Ruby Prize commends individuals for their outstanding achievements within
the previous two to three years.
The prize-winners are chosen from both individuals recommended by members of
the Ruby Prize Committee or recommendations from non-Ruby Prize Committee members.
The award will be made during the Ruby World Conference 2014.
A monetary prize will also be awarded as a supplementary prize provided by
Matsue City (Ruby Prize Sponsor).
Many thanks for your continued support in the further development and growth of
the Ruby Community through the Ruby Prize.
Matsumoto Yukihiro
Committee Chairperson
1. Recommendation Criteria for Ruby Prize 2014
1) A basic description of those applicable for the prize is noted in the preceding prospectus.
2) This prize is open to individual candidates only. Corporate bodies and groups may not apply.
3) The “new” stated in the prospectus refers ideally to within theprevious two to three years.
4) Vote for the past year’s Ruby prize winner (Mr.Chikanaga) is invalid.
*Multiple voting is not prohibited.
2. Ruby Prize Executive Committee
Affiliated Bodies:Ruby Association, Nihon Ruby-no-kai, Matsue City
Executive Committee Chairperson : Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto (RubyAssociation Chairperson)
Committee Members : Hiroshi Inoue(Ruby Association Deputy Chairperson)
Koichi Sasada (Ruby Association Board Member)
Shugo Maeda (Ruby Association Executive Office Director)
Masayoshi Takahashi (Nihon Ruby-no-kai Rep. Chairperson)
Shintaro Kakutani (Nihon Ruby-no-kai Board Member)
Akihiko Fujihara (Matsue Industry & Tourism Deputy Director)
Executive Office : Matsue Industry Support Centre, Industry & Tourism Dept. Matsue City
3. Process from recommendation to awarding of the Ruby Prize 2014
1) Applications are open to candidates recommended by Prize Group Members, as well as candidates
with recommendations from other areas. (self-referral or other referrals applicable. Due date:August 8,2014)
Please,visit here and vote.
2) A number of candidates will be selected from the total applicants,and will be released online.
(※The order of selection will not be madepublic)
3) The Executive Committee will select nominees from the original applicants, and one overall Ruby Prize
Winner will be selected from these nominees. The names of the nominees will be released online.
4) The nominees will receive an award at the Ruby World Conference 2014, to be held in Matsue City,
Shimane Prefecture November 13th & 14th, where the Ruby Prize winner will also be requested to give
a lecture.
4. Ruby Prize 2014 Award Winner Supplementary Prize
・ Ruby Prize 2014 Award Winner (one winner selected) will be presented with ¥1,000,000(Approximaterly USD 9,800)
by the Executive Committee.
・ Individuals selected as nominees will be presented with a prize of¥100,000 (Approximaterly USD 980)
※ The exchange rate as of July 16, 2014
5. Prize Group Members
The following persons will be requested to become Ruby Prize Group Members and to make recommendations for the award.
・ Ruby Association Councillors and Directors
・ Nihon Ruby-no-kai Directors and Managers
・ CRuby Committers
・ RubyWorld Conference Speakers
6.Contact Us
Executive Office :
Matsue Industry Support Centre, Industry & Tourism Dept. Matsue City
Eーmail rubyprize(at)