Ruby Prize 2017 Nominees have been named.
All Final nominees and winner will be awarded at the RubyWorld Conference 2017 that will take place on Novemverin Matsue, Japan, where the nominees will receive their prize, which consists of a diploma and prize money.
Full List of the Ruby Prize 2017 nominees

Robert Mosolgo
His work on implementing graphql for Ruby and Rails, which is now in use inside Github. Also for taking over maintenance of the react_rails gem, which is widely used by Rails developers as an easy way to add React to their Rails application.

Nikola Đuza
Reviving relationship between JS and Rails with simple gem that speeds up loading your Rails pages.

藤田 静男
An outstanding contributions to the Ruby core.

Robert Pankowecki
For many years Robert, as a main moving engine behind Arkency blog, books, workshops & services, helps other Ruby devs solving complexity when their apps get big.

Rafael Mendonça França
Rafael is by far the top contributor to Ruby on Rails. While some of his dedication might have been covered by Plataformatec or Shopify, the vast majority of that work has been done in his spare time. He is an excellent and humble guy working consistently in the trenches keeping a low profile.

Piotr Solnica
He did a great contributions to the Ruby community. in ROM.rb and DRY.rb

安川 要平
His work on translation. Now Japanese Ruby users can read the Ruby on Rails guide and Ruby on Rails tutorial in text most accurate to author's original language.

Lars Kanis
For his excellent job on building the new RubyInstaller2.

Greg L
His great activities such as bug report to Ruby core and testing on Windows environment would be appropriate for the award

上薗 竜太
For his contributions to Rails MySQL adaptor, he has joined the Rails team this year.

国分 崇志
He's been contributing Ruby core with enthusiasm since he joined the team.

Luca Guidi
Rafael is by far the top contributor to Ruby on Rails. While some of his dedication might have been covered by Plataformatec or Shopify, the vast majority of that work has been done in his spare time. He is an excellent and humble guy working consistently in the trenches keeping a low profile.

It's her sixth years teaching Ruby job in university. She's been taught people who had never taken a programming course in their life. More than 700 students are graduated her introduction to Ruby class.

Vladimir Makarov
For his outstanding proposals and activities that helps performance improvement for Hash. He also sharing his idea for a Ruby JIT compiler.