Ruby Prize について

Ruby Prize 2013 推薦基準について  Recommendation Criteria for Ruby Prize 2013

1) 推薦対象の基本的なイメージは別添の開催趣意書のとおりです。
2) 推薦対象は、個人のみとし、法人やグループは対象としません。
3) Ruby処理系及び周辺のライブラリ・フレームワークの開発、発展及び保守に顕著な貢献した者を対象とします。
4) 趣意書の「新規に」の期間は、概ね直近2~3年を想定しています。

1) A basic description of those applicable for the prize is noted in he preceding prospectus.
2) This prize is open to individual candidates only. Corporate bodies and groups may not apply.
3) Individuals who have made notable contributions to the development, expansion or maintenance
     of Ruby implementations libraries and frameworks may apply.
4) The “new” stated in the prospectus refers ideally to within theprevious two to three years.



Ruby Prize 2013推薦から表彰まで Process from recommendation to awarding of the Ruby Prize 2013

1) Prize会員の推薦とあわせ、一般推薦(自薦・他薦可)を受付。※ 推薦者1人につき1名のみ推薦が可能。
2) 会員及び一般からの推薦を集計し数名を選抜し、Webで公表(※順位は非公開)。
3) 集計をもとに、実行委員会がノミネート対象者(若干名)を選考しRuby Prize受賞者1名を決定。ノミネート対象者はWebサイトで公表。
4)ノミネート対象者を、2013年11月21日・22日に島根県松江市で開催される「RubyWorld Conference 2013」の会場で表彰。 Ruby Prize受賞者のご講演を予定。

1) Applications are open to candidates recommended by Prize Group Members, as well as candidates
     with recommendations from other areas (self-referral or other referrals applicable).
2) A number of candidates will be selected from the total applicants,and will be released online. (※The order of selection will not be madepublic)
3) The Executive Committee will select nominees from the original applicants, and one overall Ruby Prize

      Winner will be selected from these nominees. The names of the nominees will be released online.
4) The nominees will receive an award at the Ruby World Conference 2013, to be held in Matsue City,
     Shimane Prefecture November 21st & 22nd, where the Ruby Prize winner will also be requested to give a lecture.



Ruby Prize 2013受賞者への副賞  Ruby Prize 2013 Award Winner Supplementary Prize

・Ruby Prize 2013受賞者(1名)には、実行委員会から副賞として100万円を贈呈。

・ Ruby Prize 2013 Award Winner (one winner selected) will be presented with ¥1,000,000(Approximaterly USD 10,000)
    by the Executive Committee.
・ Individuals selected as nominees will be presented with a prize of¥100,000 (Approximaterly USD 1,000)
   ※ USD converted at USD = JPY 99.0  as of  July 2, 2013

Ruby Prize について

Ruby Prize 2013 推薦基準について  Recommendation Criteria for Ruby Prize 2013

1) 推薦対象の基本的なイメージは別添の開催趣意書のとおりです。
2) 推薦対象は、個人のみとし、法人やグループは対象としません。
3) Ruby処理系及び周辺のライブラリ・フレームワークの開発、発展及び保守に顕著な貢献した者を対象とします。
4) 趣意書の「新規に」の期間は、概ね直近2~3年を想定しています。

1) A basic description of those applicable for the prize is noted in he preceding prospectus.
2) This prize is open to individual candidates only. Corporate bodies and groups may not apply.
3) Individuals who have made notable contributions to the development, expansion or maintenance
     of Ruby implementations libraries and frameworks may apply.
4) The “new” stated in the prospectus refers ideally to within theprevious two to three years.



Ruby Prize 2013推薦から表彰まで Process from recommendation to awarding of the Ruby Prize 2013

1) Prize会員の推薦とあわせ、一般推薦(自薦・他薦可)を受付。※ 推薦者1人につき1名のみ推薦が可能。
2) 会員及び一般からの推薦を集計し数名を選抜し、Webで公表(※順位は非公開)。
3) 集計をもとに、実行委員会がノミネート対象者(若干名)を選考しRuby Prize受賞者1名を決定。ノミネート対象者はWebサイトで公表。
4)ノミネート対象者を、2013年11月21日・22日に島根県松江市で開催される「RubyWorld Conference 2013」の会場で表彰。 Ruby Prize受賞者のご講演を予定。

1) Applications are open to candidates recommended by Prize Group Members, as well as candidates
     with recommendations from other areas (self-referral or other referrals applicable).
2) A number of candidates will be selected from the total applicants,and will be released online. (※The order of selection will not be madepublic)
3) The Executive Committee will select nominees from the original applicants, and one overall Ruby Prize

      Winner will be selected from these nominees. The names of the nominees will be released online.
4) The nominees will receive an award at the Ruby World Conference 2013, to be held in Matsue City,
     Shimane Prefecture November 21st & 22nd, where the Ruby Prize winner will also be requested to give a lecture.



Ruby Prize 2013受賞者への副賞  Ruby Prize 2013 Award Winner Supplementary Prize

・Ruby Prize 2013受賞者(1名)には、実行委員会から副賞として100万円を贈呈。

・ Ruby Prize 2013 Award Winner (one winner selected) will be presented with ¥1,000,000(Approximaterly USD 10,000)
    by the Executive Committee.
・ Individuals selected as nominees will be presented with a prize of¥100,000 (Approximaterly USD 1,000)
   ※ USD converted at USD = JPY 99.0  as of  July 2, 2013

Ruby Prize について

Ruby Prize 2013 推薦基準について  Recommendation Criteria for Ruby Prize 2013

1) 推薦対象の基本的なイメージは別添の開催趣意書のとおりです。
2) 推薦対象は、個人のみとし、法人やグループは対象としません。
3) Ruby処理系及び周辺のライブラリ・フレームワークの開発、発展及び保守に顕著な貢献した者を対象とします。
4) 趣意書の「新規に」の期間は、概ね直近2~3年を想定しています。

1) A basic description of those applicable for the prize is noted in he preceding prospectus.
2) This prize is open to individual candidates only. Corporate bodies and groups may not apply.
3) Individuals who have made notable contributions to the development, expansion or maintenance
     of Ruby implementations libraries and frameworks may apply.
4) The “new” stated in the prospectus refers ideally to within theprevious two to three years.



Ruby Prize 2013推薦から表彰まで Process from recommendation to awarding of the Ruby Prize 2013

1) Prize会員の推薦とあわせ、一般推薦(自薦・他薦可)を受付。※ 推薦者1人につき1名のみ推薦が可能。
2) 会員及び一般からの推薦を集計し数名を選抜し、Webで公表(※順位は非公開)。
3) 集計をもとに、実行委員会がノミネート対象者(若干名)を選考しRuby Prize受賞者1名を決定。ノミネート対象者はWebサイトで公表。
4)ノミネート対象者を、2013年11月21日・22日に島根県松江市で開催される「RubyWorld Conference 2013」の会場で表彰。 Ruby Prize受賞者のご講演を予定。

1) Applications are open to candidates recommended by Prize Group Members, as well as candidates
     with recommendations from other areas (self-referral or other referrals applicable).
2) A number of candidates will be selected from the total applicants,and will be released online. (※The order of selection will not be madepublic)
3) The Executive Committee will select nominees from the original applicants, and one overall Ruby Prize

      Winner will be selected from these nominees. The names of the nominees will be released online.
4) The nominees will receive an award at the Ruby World Conference 2013, to be held in Matsue City,
     Shimane Prefecture November 21st & 22nd, where the Ruby Prize winner will also be requested to give a lecture.



Ruby Prize 2013受賞者への副賞  Ruby Prize 2013 Award Winner Supplementary Prize

・Ruby Prize 2013受賞者(1名)には、実行委員会から副賞として100万円を贈呈。

・ Ruby Prize 2013 Award Winner (one winner selected) will be presented with ¥1,000,000(Approximaterly USD 10,000)
    by the Executive Committee.
・ Individuals selected as nominees will be presented with a prize of¥100,000 (Approximaterly USD 1,000)
   ※ USD converted at USD = JPY 99.0  as of  July 2, 2013

Ruby Prize 実行委員会  Ruby Prize Executive Committee

構 成 団 体   一般財団法人Rubyアソシエーション


実行委員長   まつもとゆきひろ  (Rubyアソシエーション理事長)
委       員 井上    浩    (Rubyアソシエーション副理事長)
                 笹田   耕一  (Rubyアソシエーション理事)
                 前田   修吾  (Rubyアソシエーション事務局長)
                 高橋   征義  (日本Rubyの会代表理事)
                 角谷 信太郎 (日本Rubyの会理事)
                 藤原   亮彦  (松江市産業観光部次長)
事 務 局   松江市 産業観光部 まつえ産業支援センター内


Affiliated Bodies:
Ruby Association (General Incorporated Foundation)

Nihon Ruby-no-kai (General Incorporated Association)
Matsue City


Executive Committee Chairperson : 
Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto (RubyAssociation Chairperson)


Committee Members :
Hiroshi Inoue(Ruby Association Deputy Chairperson)
Koichi Sasada (Ruby Association Board Member)
Shugo Maeda (Ruby Association Executive Office Director)
Masayoshi Takahashi (Nihon Ruby-no-kai Rep. Chairperson)
Shintaro Kakutani (Nihon Ruby-no-kai Board Member)
Akihiko Fujihara (Matsue Industry & Tourism Deputy Director)


Executive Office : 
Matsue Industry Support Centre, Industry & Tourism Dept. Matsue City

Ruby Prize 実行委員会  Ruby Prize Executive Committee

構 成 団 体   一般財団法人Rubyアソシエーション


実行委員長   まつもとゆきひろ  (Rubyアソシエーション理事長)
委       員 井上    浩    (Rubyアソシエーション副理事長)
                 笹田   耕一  (Rubyアソシエーション理事)
                 前田   修吾  (Rubyアソシエーション事務局長)
                 高橋   征義  (日本Rubyの会代表理事)
                 角谷 信太郎 (日本Rubyの会理事)
                 藤原   亮彦  (松江市産業観光部次長)
事 務 局   松江市 産業観光部 まつえ産業支援センター内


Affiliated Bodies:
Ruby Association (General Incorporated Foundation)

Nihon Ruby-no-kai (General Incorporated Association)
Matsue City


Executive Committee Chairperson : 
Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto (RubyAssociation Chairperson)


Committee Members :
Hiroshi Inoue(Ruby Association Deputy Chairperson)
Koichi Sasada (Ruby Association Board Member)
Shugo Maeda (Ruby Association Executive Office Director)
Masayoshi Takahashi (Nihon Ruby-no-kai Rep. Chairperson)
Shintaro Kakutani (Nihon Ruby-no-kai Board Member)
Akihiko Fujihara (Matsue Industry & Tourism Deputy Director)


Executive Office : 
Matsue Industry Support Centre, Industry & Tourism Dept. Matsue City

Ruby Prize 実行委員会  Ruby Prize Executive Committee

構 成 団 体   一般財団法人Rubyアソシエーション


実行委員長   まつもとゆきひろ  (Rubyアソシエーション理事長)
委       員 井上    浩    (Rubyアソシエーション副理事長)
                 笹田   耕一  (Rubyアソシエーション理事)
                 前田   修吾  (Rubyアソシエーション事務局長)
                 高橋   征義  (日本Rubyの会代表理事)
                 角谷 信太郎 (日本Rubyの会理事)
                 藤原   亮彦  (松江市産業観光部次長)
事 務 局   松江市 産業観光部 まつえ産業支援センター内


Affiliated Bodies:
Ruby Association (General Incorporated Foundation)

Nihon Ruby-no-kai (General Incorporated Association)
Matsue City


Executive Committee Chairperson : 
Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto (RubyAssociation Chairperson)


Committee Members :
Hiroshi Inoue(Ruby Association Deputy Chairperson)
Koichi Sasada (Ruby Association Board Member)
Shugo Maeda (Ruby Association Executive Office Director)
Masayoshi Takahashi (Nihon Ruby-no-kai Rep. Chairperson)
Shintaro Kakutani (Nihon Ruby-no-kai Board Member)
Akihiko Fujihara (Matsue Industry & Tourism Deputy Director)


Executive Office : 
Matsue Industry Support Centre, Industry & Tourism Dept. Matsue City

ご協力いただいたPrize会員 Special thanks to Prize group members

※ 候補者の推薦にご協力いただいたPrize会員のうち、
※ なお、いただいた推薦内容は非公開です。
*These Ruby Prize Group Members made recommendations 

  with agree to the publication his/her name.


Prize会員について Prize Group Members
・RubyWorld Conferenceご講演者


The following persons will be requested to become Ruby Prize Group Members and
to make recommendations for the award.

・ Ruby Association Councillors and Directors
・ Nihon Ruby-no-kai Directors and Managers
・ CRuby Committers
・ RubyWorld Conference Speakers

ご協力いただいたPrize会員 Special thanks to Prize group members

※ 候補者の推薦にご協力いただいたPrize会員のうち、
※ なお、いただいた推薦内容は非公開です。
*These Ruby Prize Group Members made recommendations 

  with agree to the publication his/her name.


Prize会員について Prize Group Members
・RubyWorld Conferenceご講演者


The following persons will be requested to become Ruby Prize Group Members and
to make recommendations for the award.

・ Ruby Association Councillors and Directors
・ Nihon Ruby-no-kai Directors and Managers
・ CRuby Committers
・ RubyWorld Conference Speakers

ご協力いただいたPrize会員 Special thanks to Prize group members

※ 候補者の推薦にご協力いただいたPrize会員のうち、
※ なお、いただいた推薦内容は非公開です。
*These Ruby Prize Group Members made recommendations 

  with agree to the publication his/her name.


Prize会員について Prize Group Members
・RubyWorld Conferenceご講演者


The following persons will be requested to become Ruby Prize Group Members and
to make recommendations for the award.

・ Ruby Association Councillors and Directors
・ Nihon Ruby-no-kai Directors and Managers
・ CRuby Committers
・ RubyWorld Conference Speakers

Ruby Prize 実行委員会 事務局  〒690ー0816 島根県松江市北陵町1番地 テクノアークしまね内  松江市 産業観光部 まつえ産業支援センター   rubyprize(at)