Rubyコミュニティの「新人賞」Ruby Prize 2016
Copyright©Ruby Association.

RubyPrize2014受賞者決定/2014 Prize Winner

RubyPrize2015受賞者決定2015年11月12日(木)RubyWorld Conference 2015にてRuby Prize 2015受賞者の発表・表彰式が行われました。

受賞理由/Reasons for Award

Considering that OpenSSL is a keystone of web security, sufficient maintenance was not conducted. Yamaguchi-san proactively assumed responsibility for the Ruby OpenSSL that had been almost completely neglected, making significant contributions to development advancements and improved stability.

RubyPrize2015最終ノミネート/Final Nominee

RubyPrize2015最終ノミネート/Final Nominee