Rubyコミュニティの「新人賞」Ruby Prize 2016
Copyright©Ruby Association.

Ruby Prize 2015 候補者発表

Ruby Prizeの候補者推薦にあたって、多くの方にご協力をいただきありがとうございました。


ノミネート対象者は、2016年11月3日(木・祝)・4日(金)に島根県松江市で開催される「RubyWorld Conference 2016」にご招待し表彰します。  

※Ruby Prize 2016受賞者には副賞100万円が、その他のノミネート対象者には副賞10万円が贈られます。


The Ruby Prize Committee will select two or three final nominees and overall Ruby Prize Winner will be selected from them.
The names of the nominees will be released on this website in a few weeks later.

We will invite a final nominees for the RubyWorld conference 2016 that will take place on 3,4 November in Matsue, Japan,
Where the nominees will receive their Prize, which consists of a Diploma and Prize money.
(*JPY1,000,000 for winner, JPY100,000 for final nominees.)

※下記の候補からノミネート対象者(Ruby Prize 2016受賞者1名及びその他若干名)を選定します。

Jeanine Adkisson

Jeanine Adkisson


Jeanine is the author of Rouge, a robust and useful syntax highlighter. It has replaced Pygments (which is written in Python) as the de facto code highlighting tool for Ruby developers. Rouge has been adopted by major projects such as Jekyll and Gitlab. Jeanine has also encouraged many other developers to contribute to Rouge's list of supported languages though its simple DSL. I believe Jeanine is a great candidate for this award because of her contribution on the Ruby community and its developers.

Jeanine Adkisson

Kazuki Yamaguchi


Kazuki has already made many commits to OpenSSL since taking over as maintainer. With their help, a gem release of OpenSSL for Ruby will finally be realized.

Jeanine Adkisson

Daniel Doubrovkine


grape, grape-entity, hashie, grape-swagger, grape-on-rack etc.

Daniel Doubrovkine AKA "dblock" has been maintaining several Ruby projects for a long time (more than 3 years), between them are: grape, grape-entity, hashie, grape-swagger, grape-on-rack etc.

Jeanine Adkisson

Chris Seaton

2)クリスさんは2013年にRubyを全く知らない状態でしたが、今は非常に知識豊富なRuby VMの実装者です。またその優れた識見は彼自身の講演や論文によって共有されています。

1)Work on JRuby+Truffle high-performance ruby implementation.
2)Chris started in 2013 without knowing Ruby and is now one of the most knowledgeable Ruby VM implementer and gladly shared his insights in his PhD thesis and at various conferences.

Jeanine Adkisson

Jerry D'Antonio


Development of concurrent-ruby.

Jeanine Adkisson

Petr Chalupa


Contributions and maintainer of concurrent-ruby.

Jeanine Adkisson

Piotr Solnica


Dedicated to pushing Ruby forward, beyond rails and beyond a traditional OOP style. Core developer of the dry-rb.

Jeanine Adkisson

Alexander Sulim


Alexander has created and supports for almost eight years already the first and one of the most popular job boards focused exclusively on Russian-speaking Ruby developers. For years this project offers also free media support for many Ruby-related events.

Jeanine Adkisson

Vladimir Makarov

MRIのHash パフォーマンス性能向上に対する顕著な貢献に対する推薦です。

Huge contribution to the MRI's Hash performance.

Jeanine Adkisson

Yura Sokolov

MRI の性能向上に関する貢献者です。

Performance improvement of the MRI.

井上 浩
笹田 耕一
前田 修吾
高橋 征義
角谷 信太郎
山根 幸二

Ruby Prizeに関するお問い合わせは【rubyprize(at)】までお問い合わせください。
contact us 【rubyprize(at)】 ※(at)→@に変更