2015年度 Ruby Association助成金公募結果
2015年度のRuby Association助成金について、以下の3つのプロジェクトを採択することになりました。本助成金の成果は来年3月に公開される予定です。
reality gem
Victor Shepelev
Reality provides easy access to “common” world knowledge (like geography, currencies, movies, historical events and people, weather and so on). It utilizes multiple open data sources, like Wikipedia, OpenStreetMap, TheMovieDatabase, and presents consistent, integrated approach to various aspects of data.
FFTW and GSL extensions for NMatrix
Sameer Deshmukh
NMatrix is a dense and spare matrix linear algebra library for ruby by SciRuby. It supports an extensions interface that allows interfacing of various high speed C libraries with nmatrix data types by creating new gems that bind these libraries (like BLAS or LAPACKE). Extensions like nmatrix-lapacke are already in existence.
This project will aim to create two new extensions for nmatrix. One for interfacing nmatrix with FFTW (Fastest Fourier Transform in the West) and another for interfacing with GSL (GNU Scientific Library). Both these extensions will be released as nmatrix-fftw and nmatrix-gsl gems respectively by the end of the grant term.