Considering that OpenSSL is a keystone of web security, sufficient maintenance was not conducted. Yamaguchi-san proactively assumed responsibility for the Ruby OpenSSL that had been almost completely neglected, making significant contributions to development advancements and improved stability.
Javaとのブリッジという観点でのJRubyの価値は誰もが認めるところですが、Chris SeatonさんはTruffleとの組み合わせにより、更にJRuby性能を驚くべきレベルに引き上げました。
While the value of JRuby from a Java bridge perspective should be apparent to anyone, Chris Seaton, through combination with Truffle, constantly brought JRuby performance up to astonishing levels.
Yura Sokolovさんは継続的にRubyのパフォーマンス改善のために多大な貢献をしてくださいました。
Yura Sokolov contributed to Ruby performance enhancements in multiple ways with the handle name funny_falcon. The name representative for performance improvements among the Ruby development team.