Rubyコミュニティの「新人賞」Ruby Prize 2017

Copyright © Ruby Association.


Wednesday, 1st November 2017
Matz Could I get you to briefly outline your contributions?
Piotr In around 2008~2009, as I was participating in a project called Data Mapper, I became very interested in its library and database.
I started open source contributions in around 2010. Each year my contributions increased and I ended up continuing until I stopped participating in the Data Mapper core development team. My focus has been mostly on data processing and databases.
I’m also very interested in Ruby and I have been working with it for years, but you could also say that I rediscovered programming languages thanks to Ruby. I’m very attracted to that fact that with Ruby, the library structure is simple, the objects are simple, and the library won’t change.
This type of work makes up most of my working life. I currently work at a web application development company called Icelab in Australia. I wrote about 80% of our library and I have contributed to the structuring and maintenance of it. What I am doing right now is very exciting for me because it combines my daily work and what I do outside of work.
Matz Did you start working on Ruby on Rails (RoR) intentionally?
Piotr Yes, it was intentional. Rather than agreeing with what I already have,
I prefer to try to find solutions to some new problem, that’s how I’m like. I was thinking about how something wasn’t working well and I was trying to find a method to make it better which eventually led to using RoR to solve it.
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